
有时一家博彩公司可能有几个拥有相同赔率的网站。 我们允许用备用镜像站点替换我们扫描的域名。 然后,在点击赔率链接后,您将被重定向到必要的网站。

若要指定一个新域名,请前往无风险投注/包含投注/价值投注页面的筛选面板,然后点击博彩网站。 将打开一个基本博彩网站列表。 首先,让我们检查一下您的镜像网站是否已被我们扫描。 点击“显示所有博彩网站”按钮并浏览完整列表。 如果缺少所需的站点,请点击参考站点附近的黑色三角形,然后点击弹出菜单中的博彩网站设置

Black triangle near the bookie`s name


Basic Settings

If the required mirror site supports the same structure of links, or if it is only necessary to redirect to the home page, then use the basic option: simply enter the main domain into the Alternative site domain field.



如果输入无效值并尝试保存更改,则在字段下方将出现红色错误消息。 注意警告并纠正输入。



源域名 期望域名 “备选网站域名”字段值
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Advanced Settings

When you need to specify alternative links with a different structure (e.g., another language), consider Advanced settings. By clicking on the Advanced link, you will be given the ability to replace only specific parts of the URL that come after the main domain. You can make up to 5 substitutions.

Let's look at an example. Imagine that you need to redirect to betvictor106.com/zh-cn instead of betvictor.com/en-gb. The substitutions will be as follows:

Advanced Settings for Alternative Domain

More examples:

Redbet Example Pokerstars Example

Press the Check button to ensure that the resulting link is valid. If so, there will appear an event link sample. You can follow this link and see if it is working correctly. To remove a replacement, click on the Cross sign.

If you need to omit a part of the path, leave the replacement part blank. Then it will be removed from the mirror link.

Alternative Domain with a blank replacement

If you experience difficulties with specifying the alternative domain, reach out to us for assistance.