
使用价值投注表右侧的筛选面板,根据指定的标准选择价值投注。 在手机版中,请点击屏幕左上角带三条横线的按钮。

|Valuebets filter |Valuebets filter in mobile version |

使用筛选器后,在系统找到的所有价值投注中,只显示满足所需参数的对象。 筛选器设置取决于用户的个人需求,没有任何现成的公式可以适用于所有人。 所以我们鼓励你去尝试。




You can sort from most distant to nearest events by Start Time, and from biggest to smallest by Odds, Probability and Overvalue. Sort direction (from largest to smallest or vice versa) can be set by clicking on the triangle button next to the sorting properties list. OR by clicking on the respective column header.


它基本上是指本服务用来比较赔率的博彩网站数量。 选择此值后,我们将只显示与其他博彩网站发现的等价投注数量相同或更多的投注。 该值越高,结果越准确。 该值越低,显示的价值投注数量就越多。


此筛选器选项用于设置赛事开始的时间间隔。 您可以选择预设值,也可以设置自定义值。




它表示事件发生的真实概率。 我们比较大量博彩网站的赔率,计算每个赔率的博彩公司抽水,然后确定博彩网站如何评估概率,从而确定真实概率。 然后我们计算所有博彩网站之间的平均值,并将这个概率视为“真实的”。


这是博彩网站对事件概率的高估(因为博彩网站有时会在计算中出错)。 我们通过将概率乘以赔率来计算它,并检查结果值大于100%的百分比。 高估越多,从长期来看能获得的利润就越多(当赌金有规律,且你坚持一定的策略时)。


可以根据玩家的偏好来选择博彩网站。 要做到这一点,只需勾选相应的复选框。 “全选”可以一次性选择或取消选择所有博彩网站。
Bookmakers Filter Suggesting bookmakers

“全部显示”按钮为您提供博彩网站的完整列表以及它们的版本和副本。 如果您点击“热门”,您将看到来自您所在国家/地区的其他用户倾向于选择的博彩网站。 如果您是我们网站和体育博彩的新手,这是一个良好的起点。 If you do not find your bookmakers in the list, we would appreacite if you could suggest them to us via the "Need another bookmaker" link at the bottom of the Bookmakers list. Websites with the most votes are tracked and considered for addition by our team.

Clicking on "Popular" shows bookmakers frequently selected by users from your country. This is a great starting point if you're new to our website or to sports betting. Just make sure to first deselect all bookmakers via the "Check all" box - then only the popular ones will be checked.

"Show mine" presents your personal selection of bookmakers — the ones that you have kept visible (not hidden). You can check or uncheck bookmakers in your shortlist and apply the changes; they will remain displayed unless you choose to hide them.


To hide a bookmaker, click the "Hide the rest" button or the Trash icon in the Bookmaker menu. You can bring up the menu by clicking the black triangle next to the bookmaker's name. Hiding is applied globally for all filters and areas of the site. This means that if you select several bookmakers and hide the rest in Valuebets, they will also be hidden in Middles and Surebets.

To unhide (bring back) a bookmaker, type its name in the search field or press the "Show all" button and check the box for it.

List Icon

Next is the List button, which displays all available bookmakers in two modes: alphabetical order and tree view. The tree view clearly shows basic (parent) bookmakers and their twin-sites (mirrors, clones) in sublists. Note that only one bookmaker can be selected from a sublist, so you cannot choose a basic bookmaker and its twin (or two twins) at the same time. Consider creating and saving a separate filter for this purpose (see Multi-Filter).


Every bookmaker allows specifying minimum and maximum odds - click on the arrow next to the bookmaker name for a drop-down to appear (also see Alternative Domain for a Bookmaker).

Bookmaker's Menu


要选择偏好的体育比赛,请勾选相应的复选框。 “全选”可以一次性选择或取消选择所有体育比赛。


Filter for tournaments

The tournaments filter allows you to focus on particular sports events. You can choose to show only selected tournaments, exclude certain ones, or keep all available events as the default option. Note that you can specify up to 20 tournaments in the filter.

The Filter button applies the selected filter conditions to the list of displayed valuebets.

The Reset button restores all filter settings to the default mode, showing all available search results for the 15 main sports.