
若要仅选择与您的要求匹配的无风险投注,请使用右侧的筛选器面板。 在手机版中,请点击屏幕左上角有三条横线的按钮。

|SureBets Filter|Mobile Surebets Filter|




您可以按存在时间(从最新到最旧)、开始时间(从最远到最近的赛事)、利润(默认情况下,从高到低排列)和 ROI(投资回报率,详情见下文)。 排序顺序 - 从大到小或从小到大 - 可以通过点击相应的列标题进行设置。 OR by clicking on the respective column header. 注:存在时间、利润和 ROI 的数值均与第一列有关。


允许仅显示两门或三门的无风险投注。 在未选中模式下,将显示这两种类型 - 与选中两个复选框时相同。 对于相同的无风险投注条件,将优先考虑两门无风险投注,三门无风险投注将在子列表中提供(此赛事的 +X 个无风险投注)


最小利润字段允许设置所显示的无风险投注的最小利润率。 如果需要,用户可以只选择利润率高的无风险投注,甚至可以选择负的无风险投注(例如,为新用户赚取博彩公司的奖金)。 利润为负的无风险投注只有在付费订阅的情况下才可用,而且数量有限。


投资回报的计算公式为:ROI = 利润/获得此利润所用时间(年化)

例如,我们以 10% 的无风险投注为例。 如果获得利润的时间为:
2 年,则 ROI 为 5% (10/2);
1 年,则 ROI 为 10% (10/1);
6 个月,则 ROI 为 20% (10/0.5);
1 个月,则 ROI 为 120% (10/(1/12))


此筛选器选项用于设置赛事开始的时间间隔。 您可以选择某个预设值,也可以设置自定义值。


可以根据玩家的偏好来选择博彩网站。 要做到这一点,只需勾选相应的复选框。 “全选”可以一次性选择或取消选择所有博彩网站。 如果您只选择一个博彩网站,很可能不会显示任何无风险投注 - 在一个博彩网站内出现正的有效的无风险投注是非常罕见的情况。

找到博彩网站的最快方式是开始在搜索栏中输入其名称。 所有名称相似的博彩网站都会立即显示出来。 可以在博彩网站设置中进一步查看它们的完整网站地址(请参阅博彩网站的备选域名)。

Clicking on "Popular" shows bookmakers frequently selected by users from your country. This is a great starting point if you're new to our website or to sports betting. Just make sure to first deselect all bookmakers via the "Check all" box - then only the popular ones will be checked.

“全部显示”按钮为您提供博彩网站的完整列表以及它们的版本和副本。 您可以选择两种显示视图:树形视图(带有父博彩网站和相关镜像)和列表视图(带有所有可用网站的字母列表)。

Personal list of bookmakers

To hide a bookmaker, click the "Hide the rest" button or the Trash icon in the Bookmaker menu. You can bring up the menu by clicking the black triangle next to the bookmaker's name. Hiding is applied globally for all filters and areas of the site. This means that if you select several bookmakers and hide the rest in Surebets, they will also be hidden in Middles and Valuebets.

To unhide (bring back) a bookmaker, type its name in the search field or press the "Show all" button and check the box for it.

List Icon

Next is the List button, which displays all available bookmakers in two modes: alphabetical order and tree view. The tree view clearly shows basic (parent) bookmakers and their twin-sites (mirrors, clones) in sublists. Note that only one bookmaker can be selected from a sublist, so you cannot choose a basic bookmaker and its twin (or two twins) at the same time. Consider creating and saving a separate filter for this purpose (see Multi-Filter).

After selecting the necessary bookmakers, save your changes by clicking the "Apply and Filter" button.

Every bookmaker has a number of options available — click on the black triangle next to the bookmaker name to see a drop-down list (also see Alternative Domain for a Bookmaker).

“必需包含的博彩网站”将仅显示包含此博彩网站的无风险投注,并在博彩网站列表中加粗显示。 The same action will occur if you right-click on a bookmaker in the list. “Origin of surebet” will display only bets initiated by this bookmaker (see Cause of Surebet). Such bets will be marked with a filled circle. “Only one outcome with bookmaker” means that only one outcome in the surebet will belong to this bookmaker (as certain bookmakers prohibit 2 stakes for the same event). Minimum and maximum odds for separate bookmakers can be specified too.


要选择偏好的体育比赛,请勾选相应的复选框。 “全选”可以一次性选择或取消选择所有体育比赛。


The tournaments filter helps you narrow your focus to specific sports events. You can refine your search by Gender, Age, and Lineup category. It is possible to 1) show only selected tournaments that match the specified categories, 2) exclude selected tournaments, or 3) allow selected tournaments even if they do not match the preferred categories. Note that you can specify up to 20 tournaments in the filter.


Three more options are available here:

“Exclude quarters”: hides surebets with quarter goal Asian handicap and totals (see Asian handicap). “Exclude when a return is possible”: hides surebets that can cause a stake return (e.g. a stake on 1-2/Draw No Bet is returned when a draw happens in a match). "Exclude surebets for which bookmakers have different rules": hides risky surebets where a potential money loss could occur due to differences in bookmakers' market definitions.

The Filter button applies the selected filter conditions to the list of displayed surebets.

The Reset button restores all filter settings to the default mode, showing all available search results for the 15 main sports.